Welcome to the info page for SLQS’s WFD 2025!
WHO: St. Louis QRP Society, of course!
WHAT: Winter Field Day Rules are here.
WHERE: Stacy Park, 9750 Old Bonhomme Road, 63132
WHEN: Saturday, January 25, 2025
WHY: Type II Fun, baby!
Specifically, WFD runs from 1600Z (10:00 am local) Saturday, through 2159Z (3:59 pm local) Sunday. Our plan is to run “4O” (four transmitters, outside) as N0A, with 3 CW stations, 1 SSB/Digital station, and a VHF station. Thanks to the efforts by Mark KB5YZY we have permission to stay overnight!
Currently, Jeff N0MII is wrangling the 20m station, Jim KK0U is wrangling the 40m station and Herbert AF4JF is wrangling SSB/Digital and VHF. Mark KB5YZY is handling the 15/10m station.
Derek WB0TUA is bringing a warming tent with heater, several folks are bringing batteries, and FOOD and COFFEE is also being provided. If you’ve operated SLQS FD, you know we like to eat!
So, come on out and dress for the condtions! Bring nothing but yourself, or bring your favorite key (for the CW folks), your best jokes and join in the fun.
ONE LAST THING: Bring an insulated pad or something to sit on. Benches & chairs get cold real fast without it!