This club history appeared on the cover of the 10th Anniversary Issue of The Peanut Whistle, which was given to club members in 1997. By that time, NF0̸R and KC0̸PP had coordinated the production, assembly, and mailing of roughly 120 issues.
The then nameless St Louis QRP Society had its first gathering in November 1987 in response to a local mailing by KC0̸PP and NF0̸R. Twenty-two amateurs came together for that exploratory meeting. An equal number was unable to attend but expressed interest.
Several important guidelines for the fledgling group were established at the very beginning. Since the QRP community was already well-served by two national organizations the club would be locally oriented. Further, we would not have elected officers, business meetings or minutes.
KC0̸PP was our first Master of Ceremonies and NF0̸R the first Editor. W0̸NVM (SK) assumed the leadership role two years later. KC0̸PP then accepted responsibility for the newsletter and continues to this day. Both volunteers continue today in these capacities. KC0̸PP is the current Master of Ceremonies.
WB0̸QII was our first treasurer, followed by N0̸JFZ and then the late NO0̸G and then N0̸XEU. Our finances are now in the hands of W0̸MFQ. The club’s first Chief Engineer was K0PFX. Early volunteers for his committee were AB0̸Q, WB9FLW, N3AYY and W0̸NVM. Our first Field Day Chairman was WB8NUT.
Drawing upon the designs of both members and non-members our rotating project teams have provided the club with twelve homebrew kits. In chronological order:
- Oner Transmitter
- Neophyte Receiver
- Three-Band VFO
- Dots & Dashes For A Dollar Keyer
- Iambic Memory Keyer
- CWF-2 Audio Filter
- K1BQT Audio Filter
- W3NQH Audio Filter
- Spectral Analyzer
- St. Louis Tuner
- St Louis Audio Amp
- 40-9er Transceiver
Several radio undertakings by members and supporters of the club have been named to identify that work with SLQS. The growing number of designs includes the St. Louis Tuner, St Louis Audio Amp, St. Louis Vertical, St Louis Radials and the St. Louis Loop.
We share our newsletter with kindred clubs as well as selected individuals in acknowledgment of their significant contributions to low power amateur radio and homebrew. SLQS members routinely staff information tables and present QRP workshops throughout our metropolitan area.
The club has donated sample kits and over two hundred printed circuit boards for the St Louis Audio Amp at the request of twenty-two organized groups. This is an on-going effort to promote building to hams and amateur radio to interested parties.
K0̸FF named our monthly newsletter “The Peanut Whistle”. The club itself was named quite by accident when a local library insisted upon a name to hold a room reservation. SLQS met early on at Meramec Community College and is currently hosted by Florissant Valley Community College. The club provides refuge for members of the “Notorious HW-8 Sub-Group”.
Our annually scheduled events now include a Builder’s Contest, Key Night, Spring and Fall Portable Outings, Field Day, Tailgate Sale & Open House and the Anniversary Dinner. At that special meeting the prior recipient of the Member Service Award may choose to recognize a fellow member for significant contributions to the wellbeing of the club.
We are starting the second decade. It goes without saying that past and current members of the St. Louis QRP Society can look back on ten years of amateur radio and good fellowship and smile!
73 de KC0̸PP & NF0̸R