Author Archives: N0̷MII

What’s New With The Club?

The club has been having lots of fun in the past several months. You’d not know that, judging by the lack of posts here on our web site! So here’s my take on things of late: Meetings Attendance at our … Continue reading

Posted in Contesting, Field Day, Meetings, Operating | Leave a comment

Winter Field Day 2024

Preparations for another SLQS Winter Field Day are moving right along. As I look outside at the thermometer… oh, who are we kidding? As I look at the weather app on my phone (grin) I see it’s a bracing 15º, … Continue reading

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Annual “Tailgate Sale” Meeting September 20

Come one, come all, to SLQS’ annual “Tailgate Meeting” on Wednesday, September 20. There’s no charge and it’s open to anyone. Bring that radio “stuff” that’s looking for a new home; also be sure to slip a few extra bucks … Continue reading

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Heat… oh the heat…

Two things you can count on when Field Day rolls around: rain (usually) and heat (almost always). This year is no different. We hit 96º degrees or so, and the humidity gave us a few degree boost, with the “Feels … Continue reading

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And… we’re OFF!

This year our setup went more smoothly than usual, and we are on the air! Working on 40, 20, and 15 meter CW. And we’ve got the digital station running FT8 on 10m The club call for Field Day is … Continue reading

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Winter Field Day 2023

Briefly, Winter Field Day 2023 will go down in club history as a winner! The weather was unseasonably nice — we almost reached 60º! Jim KKØU warned us that we might need to break out the sunscreen at one point … Continue reading

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Blast From the Past: Key Night, April 1995

Thanks to Bruce KB0FXC for sharing this video goodie! Bruce took some video of a “Key Night” meeting, back in 1995. (Wow! 27 years ago…) Derek WB0TUA had kindly brought a (small!) subset of his extensive key collection to the … Continue reading

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Slides from Winterfest 2020: QRP Forum Preso

I had the pleasure of giving a presentation about QRP operation at Winterfest 2020. After my talk, I was asked if I could share my slides. I’m happy to do so. The URL links are all active, which will help … Continue reading

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SLQS at Winterfest 2020

Kudos to the St. Louis & Suburban Radio Club for hosting an outstanding ham radio event last weekend! Winterfest has always been recognized as a premier hamfest/flea market in the metro St. Louis area. But this year, SLSRC pulled out … Continue reading

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Field Day 2019 results: That’s a Winner!

Well, what do you know? The SLQS came out on top in our Field Day category of 4A Battery! I know it’s not a contest*, strictly speaking, but let’s not kid ourselves. We count our contacts, work to tally bonus … Continue reading

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